Monday, January 13, 2014

Like it or not...


So, it should be obvious that I really like Japanese. And, if you are reading this, I might hazard to guess that you like Japanese, too. What are your likes and dislikes? In today's review, I will discuss the grammar and ways to play with these simple structures.

First, we will look at liking things. For example, if you like my blog, please like it on Facebook or Twitter. Or, if you are one of my classmates, just say "いいですね!" [ii desune! / It's good, isn't it?]

The structure is:

(subject+は) Object+が 好きです。

Here are some fun examples:

私は亀が好きです。  (watashiwa kamega suki desu) = I like turtles! (The meme or DBZ?)

お酒がすきです。 (osakega suki desu) = I like alcohol.

友達は刺身が大好きです! (tomodachiwa sashimiga daisuki desu) = My friend loves shasimi!

You can also use a similar structure for things that you don't like. Instead of 好き use 嫌い. Here are things that I, and maybe you, really don't enjoy.

宿題が嫌いです。 (shukudaiga kirai desu.) = I don't like homework.

清掃が嫌いです。 (seisouga kirai desu.) = I don't like cleaning.

お母さんは私の友達が大嫌いです。 (okaasanha watashino tomodachiga daikirai desu.)
                                                                  = My mother hates my friend!

What about you? What things do you love or hate? Login to your Google Account to comment here. Or leave a comment on Facebook or Twitter.



  1. I recently used 大好き on a post and was questioned as if it didn't make any sense. I thought it meant "I like a lot" as in "酒が大好きです”. Was the usage incorrect?

    1. This is still new for me, David. Did you use the phrase isolated as a response? Or, like the example sentence? From what intuition I have developed, I would assume "大好きですよ!" would be an appropriate response to a topic--but I could be wrong. I think the verb would be required, but other than that, I am not sure enough at this time. I will check with a more definitive answer. Thanks for the comment! :)
